Results for 'M. E. Wagner'

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  1.  37
    The summation method in statistics.H. S. Razran & M. E. Wagner - 1931 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 14 (3):270.
  2. Recent Ceramic Finds from Montegrande, Peru, Studied by Physical Methods.U. Wagner, F. E. Wagner, J. Riederer, C. Ulbert, M. Tellenbach & H. Müller-Karpe - 1988 - Paleotnologica:1-15.
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    Using Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis to Create a Stem Cell Donor: Issues, Guidelines & Limits.Susan M. Wolf, Jeffrey P. Kahn & John E. Wagner - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (3):327-339.
    Successful preimplantation genetic diagnosis to avoid creating a child affected by a genetically-based disorder was reported in 1989. Since then PGD has been used to biopsy and analyze embryos created through in viuo fertilization to avoid transferring to the mother’s uterus an embryo affected by a mutation or chromosomal abnormality associated with serious illness. PGD to avoid serious and early-onset illness in the child-to-be is widely accepted. PGD prevents gestation of an affected embryo and reduces the chance that the parents (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]E. V. Johanningmeier, Robert R. Sherman, Paul A. Wagner Jr, Robert M. Caldwell, George Kizer, Patricia A. Schmuck, Rita S. Saslaw & Lewis E. Cloud - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (4):437-459.
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    Stress‐Induced Evolutionary Innovation: A Mechanism for the Origin of Cell Types.Günter P. Wagner, Eric M. Erkenbrack & Alan C. Love - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (4):1800188.
    Understanding the evolutionary role of environmentally induced phenotypic variation (i.e., plasticity) is an important issue in developmental evolution. A major physiological response to environmental change is cellular stress, which is counteracted by generic stress reactions detoxifying the cell. A model, stress‐induced evolutionary innovation (SIEI), whereby ancestral stress reactions and their corresponding pathways can be transformed into novel structural components of body plans, such as new cell types, is described. Previous findings suggest that the cell differentiation cascade of a cell type (...)
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  6.  35
    James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy.Richard E. Wagner (ed.) - 2018 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    “A fine collection of essays exploring, and in many cases extending, Jim Buchanan’s many contributions and insights to economic, political, and social theory.”– Bruce Caldwell, Professor of Economics, Duke University, USA"The overwhelming impression the reader gets from this very fine collection is the extraordinary expanse of James Buchanan's work. Everyone interested in economics and related fields can profit mightily from this book."– Mario Rizzo, Professor of Economics, New York University, USA This book explores the academic contribution of James Buchanan, who (...)
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  7.  14
    Who Was James M. Buchanan and Why Is He Significant?Richard E. Wagner - 2018 - In James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-9.
    This essay introduces a collection of 49 essays that exemplify the breadth and the depth of James M. Buchanan’sBuchanan, James M. contributions to economics in the post-war period. Buchanan started his career in 1948 as someone who wanted to provide a different scholarly framework for a theory of public finance and managed to do so. What resulted was a scholarly output that was published in 20 volumes in 2002, to which he continued to add until his death. The essays in (...)
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  8.  11
    Emergence, Equilibrium, and Agent-Based Modeling: Updating James Buchanan’s Democratic Political Economy.Abigail N. Devereaux & Richard E. Wagner - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 109-129.
    Nicholas Vriend asked whether F.A. Hayek was an “ace,” and answered affirmatively. By “ace,” Vriend meant someone who worked with agent-based modeling. To be sure, Hayek could not have worked with agent-based models because that platform did not exist when Hayek was developing his ideas about the distribution and use of knowledge in society. All the same, Vriend explained convincingly that Hayek could have made good use of the agent-based platform had it been available in the 1930s. To similar effect, (...)
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  9. The Rules of Logic Composition for the Bayesian Epistemic e-Values.Wagner Borges & Julio Michael Stern - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):401-420.
    In this paper, the relationship between the e-value of a complex hypothesis, H, and those of its constituent elementary hypotheses, Hj, j = 1… k, is analyzed, in the independent setup. The e-value of a hypothesis H, ev, is a Bayesian epistemic, credibility or truth value defined under the Full Bayesian Significance Testing mathematical apparatus. The questions addressed concern the important issue of how the truth value of H, and the truth function of the corresponding FBST structure M, relate to (...)
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  10.  11
    Samaritan’s Dilemmas, Wealth Redistribution, and Polycentricity.Meg Patrick Tuszynski & Richard E. Wagner - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 291-311.
    It is nearly universally presumed that redistribution can be carried out effectively only at the national or even global level, because local redistribution will be negated through personal mobility: recipients will move to high-paying jurisdictions while taxpayers will move away from those jurisdictions. To avoid this situation requires redistribution to be concentrated at national and not at local levels. In contrast to this standard line of argument, we explore how redistribution might be carried out more effectively at local levels than (...)
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  11.  7
    Logics in Ai European Workshop Jelia '92, Berlin, Germany, September 7-10, 1992 : Proceedings'.David Pearce & Gerd Wagner - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume contains the proceedings of JELIA '92, les Journ es Europ ennes sur la Logique en Intelligence Artificielle, or the Third European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence. The volume contains 2 invited addresses and 21 selected papers covering such topics as: - Logical foundations of logic programming and knowledge-based systems, - Automated theorem proving, - Partial and dynamic logics, - Systems of nonmonotonic reasoning, - Temporal and epistemic logics, - Belief revision. One invited paper, by D. Vakarelov, is (...)
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  12.  20
    Kritik und Metaphysik Studien. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):583-583.
    This Festschrift is one of the best we have been offered during the last decade. German, French, Turkish, Italian, South African, and Austrian scholars have written 23 essays in honor of one of the foremost historians of philosophy in this century, H. Heimsoeth. Half of the book is devoted to Kantian-scholarship; especially impressive are: Guéroult's study on the structure of the second analogy of experience, Belaval's comparison between Kant and Leibniz, and the richly documented long investigation by G. Tonelli on (...)
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  13.  71
    Newman on belief-confidence, proportionality, and probability.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (2):164–176.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in honour of Peter R. Ackroyd. Edited by Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips and Michael Knibb, Pp.xxi, 272. Cambridge University Press, 1982, £21.00. Essays on John. By C.K. Barrett. Pp.viii, 167, London, SPCK, 1982, £10.50. The Letter to the Colossians. By Eduard Schweizer, translated by Andrew Chester. Pp.319, London, SPCK, 1982, £12.50. Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church. By Francis Schüssler Fiorenza. Pp.xix, 326, New York Crossroad, 1984, $22.50. The Darkness of God: (...)
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  14.  44
    Legende und Geschichte: Der Fatḥ Madīnat Harar von Yaḥyā b. NaṣrallāhLegende und Geschichte: Der Fath Madinat Harar von Yahya b. Nasrallah.L. M., Ewald Wagner, Legende & Geschichte - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):163.
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  15.  18
    La philosophie de l'histoire de la philosophie. Bibliothèque d'Histoire de la Philosophie. [REVIEW]J. E. B. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):375-375.
    Articles by Castelli, Dempf, de Corte, del Noce, Garin, Gigon, Gouhier, Guéroult, Husserl, Lombardi, Valori, and Wagner on a variety of topics pertinent to the philosophy of history, such as myth and history, legitimacy of the philosophy of history, and historic intention. Of special interest is a commentary and French translation by M. Valori of two unpublished manuscripts of Husserl. In these manuscripts one can see how Husserl views the place of phenomenological study in the history of philosophy since (...)
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  16.  6
    Физическое и субъективное: поиски аналогии.E. M. Ivanov - 1997 - Saratov:
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  17. Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics - volume 10, number 2 (2001), pages 165-183.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdes-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):138-138.
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  18. Law-Abiding & Integrity on the Internet: a Case for Agents.M. H. M. Schellekens, J. E. J. Prins, A. Oskamp & F. Brazier - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2).
  19.  18
    Photoluminescence of irradiation induced defects on CR-39.M. F. Zaki & E. K. Elmaghraby - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (23):2945-2951.
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  20. Categorization, typicality, and shape similarity.M. A. Kurbat, E. E. Smith & D. Medin - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 5--20.
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  21.  27
    E.G.H. Pedaliu, Britain, Italy and the Origins of the Cold War.M. E. Guasconi - 2005 - Polis 19 (1):149-150.
  22.  13
    Women Respond to Racism.M. Papke, E. Manion & J. Visor - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (50):180-187.
  23. Meditation on Berdyaev's "Three Times".E. M. Rowell - 1949 - Hibbert Journal 48:252.
  24.  36
    (1 other version)Critical Theory, Sustainable Development and Populism.E. M. Roe - 1995 - Télos 1995 (103):149-162.
  25. Some Intimations of the Soul's Destiny.E. M. Rowell - 1929 - Hibbert Journal 28:436.
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  26.  12
    A Nazi Interior: Quisling's Hidden Philosophy.E. M. Barth - 2003 - Peter Lang Publishing.
    Vidkun Quisling, who after World War II was executed as a traitor to his country/Norway, offers an unusual opportunity to reach the deepest layers of a Nazi mind-set, for he was also a closet philosopher. Was Quisling a genius, as some revisionists will have it? What did the original Quisling think? How did he think? A Nazi Interior deals with Quisling's own all-embracing philosophy, which he called « Universism. The author identifies Quisling's sources from early Christianity to the twentieth century (...)
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  27.  7
    La Presencia de la filosofía en la Universidad Católica (1888-1973).Luis Celis M. & Jaime Caiceo E. (eds.) - 1982 - Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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  28.  31
    Hall's analysis of "ought".E. M. Adams - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (2):73-75.
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  29. Philosophy and the Modern Mind.E. M. Adams - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):877-884.
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  30.  24
    Beginning Japanese, Part 2.D. E. M. & Eleanor Harz Jorden - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):488.
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  31. M. Heidegger, "Nietzsche".M. E. Zimmerman - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1/2):96.
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  32.  22
    Vii.--Critical notices.J. E. M'taggart - 1893 - Mind 2 (7):376-383.
  33.  45
    A measure representation theorem for strong partition cardinals.E. M. Kleinberg - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):161-168.
  34. Intracranial ERPs recorded in the infero-temporal cortex dissociate between orientation-dependent” and orientation-invariant” identification of visual objects.M. Vannucci, T. Grunwald, T. Dietl, N. Pezer, C. Helmstaedter, M. P. Viggiano & C. E. Elger - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 72-73.
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  35. (1 other version)VI Vserossiĭskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Filosofii Vostochno-Aziatskogo regiona i sovremennai︠a︡ t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡" (Moskva, 25-26 mai︠a︡ 2000 g.).M. L. Titarenko, A. E. Lukʹi︠a︡nov & V. F. Feoktistov (eds.) - 2000 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t Dalʹnego Vostoka, T︠S︡entr nauch. informat︠s︡ii i dokumentat︠s︠ii.
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  36.  9
    Does Semantic Information Help in the Text Categorization Task? E. Ferretti, M. Errecalde & P. Rosso - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):91-106.
  37. [no title].M. Schleiter & E. de Maaker - unknown
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  38. Grakanutʻyan tesutʻyun.Ēdvard M. Jrbashyan - 1980 - Erevan: Erevani Hamalsarani Hratarakchʻutʻyun.
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  39. Kant's Reply to Hume.M. E. Williams - 1965 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 56 (1):71.
  40. (3 other versions)Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.M. E. Haggerty - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy 7:185.
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  41. (1 other version)The Twentieth Meeting of the American Psychological Association.M. E. Haggerty - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy 9 (7):176.
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  42. A critical discussion of the characteristic properties of list PR and FPTP systems.E. Hout, J. Stecher & H. C. M. de Swart - 2007 - Analyse & Kritik 2:259-268.
  43. Denken des Raums in Zeiten der Globalisierung.E. Uhl & M. Ott (eds.) - 2006 - LIT Verlag.
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  44.  57
    Ought, is, and a game called "promise".E. M. Zemach - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (82):61-63.
  45.  12
    Instrumento para evaluar la riqueza de la producción creativa en diseño mecánico conceptual.M. E. Valderrey & L. M. Giraud Herrera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-16.
    Se comparten experiencias áulicas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argenti- na. Su objetivo es crear un instrumento para evaluar la riqueza creativa en diseño mecánico, con un método exploratorio y propositivo de validación de instrumentos y pruebas piloto sobre 156 estudiantes. Resultaron de imaginar objetos diversos, compatibles con una vista dada, y definir cinco niveles de riqueza según la canti- dad, diversidad y calidad de respuestas comparadas contra un patrón de soluciones creado por expertos. Se ensayaron cambios de duración, (...)
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  46. Experimental Study of Phantom Colours in a Colour Blind Synaesthete.M. Hochel, E. Milan, A. Gonzalez & F. Tornay - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (4):75-95.
    Synaesthesia is a condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces photisms, i.e. mental percepts of colours. R is a 20 year old colour blind subject who, in addition to the relatively common grapheme-colour synaesthesia, presents a rarely reported cross modal perception in which a variety of visual stimuli elicit aura-like percepts of colour. In R, photisms seem to be closely related to the affective valence of stimuli and (...)
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  47.  15
    Grössen und Grenzen moderner Freiheitsbegriffe - Einführende Bermerkungen zu Axel Honneths “Sphären reziproker Anerkennung”.Morten Raffnsøe-Møller - 2001 - SATS 2 (1).
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  48.  34
    Persons and morality.E. M. Adams - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (3):384-390.
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  49.  28
    The pragmatic paradox in aesthetics.E. M. Zemach - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (3):215-224.
  50.  51
    Coevolución y Mutualismo: Nociones Conceptuales Coevolution and Mutualism: Conceptual Notions.M. H. Badii, H. Rodríguez, E. Cerna, J. Valenzuela, J. Landeros & Y. Ochoa - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):23-31.
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